

Infusion Center located in Katy, TX


Anxiety services offered in Katy, TX

Anxiety disorders are common and may not always improve with traditional medical interventions. Natty Pitera, APRN, CRNA, and the medical experts at Oasis Infusions in Katy, Texas, provide ketamine therapy to quickly and effectively alleviate anxiety symptoms. Do you have debilitating anxiety that’s not improving with anti-anxiety medications? Call Oasis Infusions today or book a consultation online to learn more about ketamine therapy and how it might help your anxiety.

Anxiety Q&A

What is anxiety?

Anxiety is the fear and nervousness you feel during stressful circumstances. It’s a normal reaction and a tool your body uses to cope with situations that have unknown outcomes. Anxiety boosts energy and improves focus. 

Usually, anxiety diminishes when the stressor is gone. 

When is anxiety a problem?

Anxiety is a problem when your fear, worry, and nervousness continue after the stress is gone and make it hard for you to function. If you have persistent or overwhelming anxiety, you may have an anxiety disorder.

There are many types of anxiety disorders, such as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and phobias, and symptoms vary in type and severity. Common symptoms of anxiety disorders include:

  • Fear of a specific object or situation
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Feeling restless
  • Sweating, trembling, or shortness of breath
  • Stomach pain

Traditional treatments for anxiety disorders include psychiatric medications and therapy. However, not everyone gets relief from their anxiety with conventional interventions.

Ketamine therapy can quickly relieve anxiety symptoms and may benefit those struggling with debilitating symptoms. 

How does ketamine therapy help anxiety?

Researchers theorize that ketamine therapy helps anxiety by targeting specific receptors in the brain, altering how the brain responds to the stress and traumatic memories that trigger the anxiety.

Ketamine binds with the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) brain receptors, triggering a rapid increase in glutamate levels. Glutamate is a neurotransmitter that transmits messages from brain cell to brain cell. It also plays a role in helping your brain adapt and change. 

By increasing glutamate levels in the brain, ketamine therapy forces the neurotransmitter to make new neural connections, changing your thought patterns and relieving your anxiety symptoms.

When can I expect to get relief from my anxiety?

Ketamine therapy for anxiety works quickly, and you may experience relief from your symptoms within two hours after treatment. Oasis Infusions provides ketamine therapy as in intravenous (IV) treatment or an intramuscular injection. 

Ketamine therapy is an in-office treatment, and the providers monitor you for side effects during and after. You may need more than one session to get long-term results.

Call Oasis Infusions today or schedule your anxiety consultation online.